Why are my Pittosporums dying in my Canberra garden?

Pittosporums vary greatly however the most popular hedging variety used in Canberra is Pittosporum ‘Silver Sheen’.
In most gardens and in most situations they thrive with the biggest problem being how many times does it have to be trimmed to keep it in check!
Occasionally there will be problems especially with newly planted Pittosporums. Usually plants will die back or die altogether due to poor drainage (soil is too wet due to excessive irrigation or excessive rainfall or poorly prepared soil).
The other most common reason for Pittosporum die back/death is because they have been planted too deeply. Collar rot fungi will attack when conditions are right and when the ‘collar’ is buried by soil and/or mulch.
If this is happening to you, investigate the planting area and try to rectify the issue(s) that may be the cause.