What is the best way to plant trees and shrubs in Canberra?

The first step is to ensure that your soil is prepared properly.
With your new plants always give them a very good soaking with water BEFORE planting.
Dig the soil to the depth of the new plant pot and gently tip the plant out of the pot. Put the plant in the hole and gently backfill with the existing soil.
Make sure the potting mix from the plant pot can still be seen. This will ensure you are not planting too deeply or ‘burying’ the plant.
Firm the soil around the plant slightly with your hands making sure that no soil is heaped against the plant ‘collar’.
Give the plant and surrounding soil a good soaking AFTER planting also. This ensures the removal of unwanted air pockets.
Use some mulch (barks or composts or straw etc)to help keeps weeds down and moisture in, again making sure that it is not heaped against the plant collar.
Monitor the plants water requirements by observing weather conditions and checking soil moisture under the mulch, noting any ‘signals’ the plant is giving you.